Forest Certification Critical for our Highly-Valued Mahogany: A-G and Economy Minister
“The launch of Fiji Hardwood Corporation Ltd (FHCL)’s Forest Certification Gap Analysis and
Roadmap Report is an important and critical step towards
certifying our highly valued mahogany,” says Attorney-General and Minister for Economy Hon. Aiyaz
made the comment while launching the report at the Holiday Inn Suva on June 24,
2022, when he was also acting as Prime Minister and Minister for Forestry.
Sayed-Khaiyum said for the premium market
positioning of Fiji's mahogany products, FHCL's readiness to target entrance
into the Forest Stewardship Council Certification Scheme must be applauded.
FHCL was
established in 1998 as a State-owned Enterprise to manage the Government of
Fiji's hardwood plantations.
Fiji developed its own
Mahogany Branding and Licencing Act, which was endorsed by Cabinet in 2011.
This safeguards our mahogany products from illegal local and international
traders. However, a major barrier to accessing lucrative markets overseas and
negotiating prices is the inability to deliver products from a ‘certified
mahogany plantation forest’.
Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said there
was a tremendous need to get our mahogany certified to enable us to compete in
the international market arena, adding niche value to place us above other
similar mahogany sources from Asia and Africa.
In light of this, he said
there was a need for forest certification on our mahogany forest plantations
because once our mahogany is certified, it would be able to access niche
markets internationally with the optimum price in the European and U.S markets.
Currently, most of our
mahogany products have been exported to the South American and American markets
where our Fijian mahogany has been re-classified before being resold to other
niche markets in Europe and the U.S as certified products.
"Since the reforms of the
mahogany industry in Fiji, the Government way
back then recognised the fact that FHCL, notwithstanding the fact that it had
the largest planted mahogany forest in the world, did not get premium dollars
for its mahogany, which I think was a great tragedy," Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said.
"And at that point in
time, FHCL had a debt stock of about $25 million, even though it had the
largest planted mahogany forest in the world.
Another factor was that it was planted predominantly on indigenous land. The fact that it came from Fiji, our mahogany was
not sold at a premium price. Our mahogany was not distinguished from other
mahogany that was harvested illegally and from virgin forests.
“And we are still selling some
of that mahogany to Central America or South America where it gets mixed up
with other mahogany, so the value comes below what it should be sold for.
“There is no doubt that since
the licensing regime that was put in place after the 2011 Act was put in place,
our mahogany has become a lot more inaccessible where there is a particular
regime of people who can only harvest mahogany. That was the critical first
step. It was also critically important to have the branding done to be able to
distinguish Fijian mahogany from other mahogany in the world.”
Fiji was once exporting around
500 cubic metres a month of Fijian mahogany decking and exterior furniture
products to the New Zealand and Australian markets 10 years ago. However, this
stopped when both of these countries only allowed certified timber products
into their countries.
The current average Fijian
Mahogany export price is around FJ$2,000 per cubic metre, and the current
potential international markets can easily double once our mahogany are
Mr Sayed-Khaiyum mentioned
that the Fiji Pine Limited was already Forest
Stewardship Certification (FSC) certified and the company now enjoys the
many certification benefits that have been achieved via market access,
technological advancements, and tightened documentary controls that have
enabled efficient and effective decision-making.
“We know that Fiji Pine has
already received the certification and the idea is to extend that certification
to FHCL,” he added.
Report highlights
Gap Analysis and Roadmap Report is FHCL’s
Certification Strategic Action Plan.
The report highlights the gaps
in FHCL management to allow them to be actively addressed to achieve compliance
to international FSC Forest Management Standards. By
obtaining a FSC, a forest could confirm that it was being managed in a way that
conserves biological diversity, enhances the lives of landowners and workers,
while ensuring economic sustainability.
He said FSC certification
would also mean that we needed to safeguard the environment, reduce the
negative impacts with our operations, address social issues with our landowners
and the need to operate sustainably by harvesting and reforestation projects.
It will also raise the standard of work, looking after workers and industry
“So today it’s a very
significant achievement together with the fact that with this Board now, the
debt stock of FHCL is less than what it ever was. This is a highly significant
milestone that FHCL has achieved and that should also be applauded,” Mr
Sayed-Khaiyum said.
He added that
this would ensure our mahogany products can access lucrative markets which will
in turn help increase the forestry sector’s contribution to Fiji’s economic
"Once this gap analysis
report is put in place, then if you get the mahogany forests certified, you
will then be able to get FHCL trees certified, which will get a much higher
value. Once FHCL is on a sustainable path, then there will be more proceeds in
the sharing of profits with the landowners themselves," Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said.
"I want to thank all
those involved in the process of identifying the gaps, in identifying a pathway
towards which we can achieve the certification of mahogany forests. In fact, if we have the proper
certification, it could be optimal for us to do the value adding in Fiji
itself. It would attract investors to set up plants here to do the value adding
process in Fiji. And we must try and achieve this strategically,"
he added.
The FHCL Forest Certification Gap Analysis and
Roadmap Report was handed to FHCL to take actions on the
recommendations of the report. It will be a Guide and with the Roadmap will
allow the company to prioritise which activities to undertake on the road to
achieving Forest Certification.
The report was funded by WWF
under the UNDP Ridge to Reef Project, with the Ministry of Forestry providing
technical support and authored the Report.