Fisheries and forestry sectors can assist Fiji’s road to national economic recovery: Ravu
Speaker Sir, I rise to respond to His Excellency’s most gracious speech
delivered in this August House to mark the opening of the new parliament under
the People’s Coalition Government.
Speaker Sir, Firstly, I wish to acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit in
this August House and his guidance throughout my campaign trail. I also congratulate your appointment as
Speaker of this august House and also congratulate Honourable Lenora
Qereqeretabua on her appointment as Deputy Speaker.
Speaker Sir, I wish to thank the Honorable Prime Minister for the confidence
and trust placed on me to be part of your candidate listing and to be on your
line-up of Ministerial portfolios. I am deeply honoured Honourable Prime
Minister Sir. I
wish to also thank all my supporters nationwide that voted me here and I wish
to assure you all, that I will be your voice in this august House.
“Vinaka sara vakalevu na nomuni digidigi kei na
nomuni veivakabauti”.
but not the least, I would like to acknowledge and extend my sincerest appreciation
to my immediate and extended families. I thank my wife, Elenoa and my children
for their never ending support during my campaign trail. I also thank all my
extended families nationwide for your confidence and trust.
share the sentiments of His Excellency the President, that the outbreak of COVID-19
has disturbed the global political, social, economic, religious and financial
Speaker Sir, as the nation regroups to take a grip of this crisis, the People’s
Coalition Government is determined to elevate Fiji to greater heights with
proactive planning and smart partnerships.
Government is of the people, by the people and for the people. We therefore
must be united as one Nation.
national debt has widened, putting all our eggs in one basket is not the
solution. The potential of Natural Resource based sectors like Fisheries and
Forestry, and others; cannot be further undermined. The Ministry is working hard to shift its
strategy to ensure a balance between protection and production, equitable
benefits, and community empowerment through relevant capacity building and
Speaker Sir, the scope of such resources is wholesome and integrated - from the
ridges of our Mountains to the trenches of our Oceans. I hold a portfolio that
is most dear to the people of Fiji. Your Coalition Government’s ambition is to
build on the efforts of those who have served before me, so that I may play my
part in creating something even greater for those who have yet to arrive.
Speaker Sir, Fisheries and Forestry are two natural resource based and economic
services sectors that can assist Fiji’s road to national economic recovery.
Ministry was one of the few that developed an economic recovery plan to help
cushion the impacts of the crisis. In addition to the economic contribution,
the Ministry also strives to make a social and environmental impact as well.
Ministry recognises the need to strengthen its laws and policies. This will
support and guide the vision of the coalition government, in providing a capable
environment that will allow the sector to advance to greater heights.
Speaker Sir, the Ministry’s 30 Million Trees in 15 Years initiative was very
encouraging as we were able to engage with communities – women, youth etc. to
set up nurseries and sell seedlings that were used for planting efforts across
with your Coalition Government we will look to not only plant, but ensure the survival
rate is successful.
my maiden tour of the Central, Eastern and Northern division, I had the
opportunity to present cheque payments for seedlings in Tailevu, Ovalau,
Taveuni and Vanua Levu.
Government, thanks all Fijians for your commitment to this national initiative
and encourage you to continue to plant trees as your efforts not only helps in
the fight against Climate Change but also contributes to Fiji’s climate
Speaker Sir, forestry research seeks to develop new technologies that can be
used to assist in economic development programmes designed to improve human
well-being, while protecting the natural resource base and the environment.
Speaker Sir, we will inject more resources and efforts towards the research of non-wood
forest products namely sandalwood, bamboo, sikeci
and dilo. This will ease the pressure
on the native forest, provide opportunities for diversification, and will
benefit communities directly through engagement, training, seedling sales and
products from mature trees. As
a result of the above, reliance on timber and chips for economic growth will be
Speaker Sir, on the same note of Industry assistance and development we have
our forestry sector boasting the largest mature mahogany plantation in the
world. The Ministry is keen to work with the mahogany industry to facilitate
the needs and boost the sector to greater economic contribution.
Speaker Sir, one of the ways to achieve this is through Forest certification. The
Ministry in consultation with Fiji Hardwood Corporation Limited (FHCL) will
complete work on this process under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).
preparation of FHCL to target entry into the Certification Scheme is vital for
the premium market positioning of Fiji’s mahogany products.
Speaker Sir, the forestry sector aims to reposition its current objectives in
the pine industry. The Ministry will strengthen partnerships with all
stakeholders and primarily the landowning units at the heart of every decision
making process.
forests currently leased already have a certification in place as a requirement
from their timber and chip markets.
Speaker Sir, the health of Fiji fisheries is a matter of national importance
because of three reasons;
1. Fish
provide an important food source for Fiji’s population;
2. Mitigate
the effects of natural disasters including the effects of climate change;
3. The interconnectivity of fishing, aquaculture and tourism
is an economic driver that generates revenue for Fiji’s economy.
being said, and as clearly articulated in His Excellency’s address, the diversification of our resource
based sectors, to strengthen the growth of our economy, increase the “size of
our pie” and furthermore increase our potential to trade, is a change that this
Government will give rise to, as we start afresh.
this, Mr. Speaker Sir, we cannot and must not remain complacent, in the face of
more challenges ahead of us, we must continue to seize every opportunity we
have to grow our economy. At this point Sir, I would
like to speak briefly on areas that the Ministry of Fisheries will focus on and
strengthen, to growing our resource based sector.
Speaker Sir, in the context of regional fisheries, our tuna resources are key
drivers of our small island economies and have always provided a solid revenue
and economic base for Pacific Island Countries (PICs).
development and implementation of international and regional fisheries
management framework have ensured we as PICs manage and use our tuna resources
sustainably and also ensure that our fish stocks remain healthy and viable.
Coalition Government values its development partners and stakeholders in driving
targeted investments within the domestic fishing industry. This includes upgrading
the fishing vessels to fish in the high seas, invest in satellite technology to
monitor our Exclusive Economic zone (EEZ) and reposition our investment and
loan policing capacity.
Speaker Sir, the value of coastal fisheries to our nation is understated. The
production from this fishery offers extensive benefits to our communities,
including employment and nutrition, as well as social and recreational values.
Speaker Sir, the well-being of all Fijians is the ultimate priority for the
Coalition Government. The Ministry is working to provide alternatives for an
ever increasing population. It will review current capital projects and engagement
with other government agencies to empower communities to benefit economically
and socially.
Speaker Sir, the Ministry will continue to collaborate with development partners
to strengthen investment in the culture of high valued commodities to boost the
fisheries sector.
Ministry of Fisheries will refocus its current objectives of developing
seaweed, edible oysters, pearl oysters, mabe pearls and giant clams to ensure
these commodities reach their optimum levels of production to meet consumers
Speaker Sir, the Ministry in partnership with the private sector will work on
mass production of selected species in communities and work to identifying high
end markets for these commodities.
Speaker Sir, as stated in His Excellency’s most gracious speech, the new efforts that will be directed to revitalising the co-operative
movement, is welcomed. This is aligned
to the Ministry’s work in establishing Fishermen Cooperatives to foster greater
participation by resource owners and to empower them in elevating and expanding
their fishing businesses.
Peoples’ Coalition Government will be steadfast in its efforts to ensure
Fijians are food secure and have their needs provided for.
Speaker Sir, the Ministry will review the scope of assistance to Food Security
and Commercial Aquaculture Development programs to focus on large scale
communal co-operative assistance.
will aggressively work with farmers to assess their production as this will be
a critical time for aquaculture in Fiji.
a result Mr. Speaker Sir, this strategy will produce and supply the maximum
number of Tilapia fry’s and Shrimp post-larvae to encourage large scale
intensive farming, as well as to support small scale aquaculture Fijian
intensifying impact of climate change on our oceans, for instance, is
compelling us to review our approaches to managing our oceans and our fisheries
Speaker Sir, manpower and financial support have always played an important
role in sustainable fisheries and forestry management. If
we are to ensure progress, we must invest in our workforce and identify
appropriate funding to support their work. Your
coalition Government through internal and external partners, will address these
needs immediately.
Speaker Sir, we all share the benefits of our fisheries and forestry resources.
We are honored to have inherited these blessings from our forefathers who have protected
these resources for us.
is our time now to do the same. We must change the narrative.
Speaker Sir, it is my prayer that we will exercise wisdom in every front of our
deliberation in this august house, to guarantee progress for the present and
future generations.
would like to end by stating the last line from the poem “Invictus” and I quote
“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul”, unquote. We all have
a part to play in steering this ship of change.
God Bless You, and May God Bless Fiji .
Speaker Sir, Vinaka vakalevu, Dhanyavaad
and thank you.